Sunday, November 8, 2009

There is no such thing as a Pigno-o-Meter

My cyberstalker has grown more and more brazen in his libelous postings about me. Today, he posted in Live journal a blatantly false statement that I am selling a device called a "Pigno-o-Meter" in foreign countries. Of course, I have never had anything to do with any such device, which is a work of fiction. The stalker obviously has a lot of time on his hands, as he went to the trouble to photoshop a picture of this made up machine with the name on it. These things come up on Google searches on "Monica Pignotti" so I want to once again state, for the record, that there is no such device, I have no interest in inventing or marketing any sort of device. I debunk quack devices, not invent them. The evidence that I debunk such devices is in the forthcoming book chapter:

Thyer, B. A. & Pignotti, M. (in press). Science and pseudoscience in clinical assessment. In C. Jordan & C. Franklin (Eds.)Clinical assessment for social workers: Quantitative and qualitative approaches (third edition). Chicago IL: Lyceum Press.

Plus, I have a contract with an academic publisher to co-author a complete book on pseudoscience in social work where I will be including a debunking of quack devices.

The blog entry reaches the height of absurdity when it states that it simulates TFT tapping when the fact is that I completely left and repudiated TFT over 5 years ago and have not had anything to do with it since that time, other than to criticize it.

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